put together


put together

liittää, yhdistää, tuoda yhteen, kiinnittää, saada aikaan, aiheuttaa, sekoittaa, valmistaa, asentaa, kasata, koota, harsia, kursia, sotkea, koota uudelleen.

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Englannin sanakirja

put together (englanti > suomi)

  1. koota sthg concrete, koostaa sthg abstract

  2. yhteensä, yhdessä

put together englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To assemble, construct, build or formulate.

  2. If you try to put together the model kit yourself, be very careful not to break any of the pieces.

    Well need to put together a plan if we want to get this project finished.''

  3. {{quote-journal

  4. In total.

  5. Alaska has more land than Texas and Oklahoma put together.

  6. puhekieltä Stable and sound psychologically and hence in other respects; competent and responsible.

  7. 2011, Sondra Busby, Understanding Life and Its Challenges (ISBN 1465376232):

  8. Today, Bessy is still unmarried but she is well put together. She has bought two new cars since the divorce, she now owns her home, two of her children have college degrees, one is certified in medical assisting, (..)
  9. 1954, Annette Marie Garrett, Learning Through Supervision, page 78:

  10. I had the impression that she is well put together and has good ego-strength. She is aware of her tendency to be overly self-critical, is working on it and making some progress.
